Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Beef Jerky Made by you

Jerky made at Home

History has proven that beef jerky is one of the most popular foods made by our ancestors. There have been new methods like freezing chemicals.

Most Jerky lovers still like the flavor and ease of beef jerky original which is mainly made from beef but has been recently added to by other flavours like camel and kangaroo.

As it happens jerky must have the fat and moisture removed, because of this jerky is in general a source of protein. These great benefits are sometimes offset by the chemicals added by during manufaturer of jerky.

To your own health jerky follow these steps

1. SChoosing the leanest beef cuts will give you the best jerky lean beef will save you time.

2. Cut your beef into strips less than 3.2 mm thick (1/8 ich)

3. To make slicing easy partly freeze your meat and slice at that temperature.

4. Trimming all the fat is required because fat does not freez and this will ruin your jerky.

5. Use a marinade made from vinegar and sea salt (use ingredients of your choice) and put in your fridge for 6-23 hours allow the meat to absorb the flavours.

6. Coatting the meat with flavouring of your choice ( unfortuneately sometimes this does make it sticky) try different things and see which results you like.

7. Dehydrate the meat by leaving gaps between the slices for air flow. In dehydrators use non stick spray on the racks. In an oven set it at 70 c allowing preheating. In the oven its not meant to cook only get rid of the fluid by evaporation.

8. You need to watch and keep checking the consistency of the meat this will take beetween 6 and 24 hours.

9. When finnished Put your jerky in bags and keep it in either a fridge or a freezer until eating.

For best results eat your home made beef jerky within one week. But don't forget you can save some time because there are some companies that use traditional methods to produce their jerky.

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